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Hello everyone!

So, today it hit me, autumn is here and until this weekend I didn't feel like it was autumn yet. But today the weather has been pretty gloomy so far and while cycling to school I realised that it is getting really cold. Above all of that is also the fact that it seems that all the leaves have suddently fallen of the trees while I looked away for a second.

So, here's the thing about autumn: I like it, but at the same time I despise it. I like autumn because I can finally wear my beloved sweaters again and drink a lot of tea again (since it is too hot for tea in the summer). But I also hate autumn, because it feels like the world around me is dying. All the plants lose their flowers and the trees lose their leaves. The only bugs you'll see are spiders, so no more butterflies for another 6 months. And not to forget, the terrible weather! I know we seem to complain about the weather a lot in the Netherlands, but why wouldn't we? It is either way too hot or way too cold in here and there is either no rain for weeks or only rain for months. So yeah, I believe we have the right to complain.

And then to think that a month ago, I was in Rome, 30 degrees centigrade Rome! Currently it is half of that in the Netherlands! That just makes me sad, along with the fact that it is still dark outside when I wake up *ugh*.

I guess I'll just have to survive until spring starts again until I can smell all the beautiful flowers and the cold winter air will turn into a nice, warm spring breeze. (If you haven't guessed it yet, spring is my favorite season!)

I'm still looking forward to a lot of things in the autumn and in the winter though! For one, I can't wait until Halloween and I am very excited for christmas. And of course Sinterklaas, I can't forget about that typical Dutch holiday. If you don't know Sinterklaas, it is kind of "the Dutch Christmas", accept it is on December 5th and Sinterklaas does not have either elfs or reindeers.

Stay warm and until the next time!

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